

Waterproof Laminate Flooring

Many people are under the impression that all laminate flooring is waterproof. That’s not true, and neither is hardwood. These wonderful floorings are susceptible to damage from excessive exposure to water. That’s why installing waterproof laminate flooring is a good idea.


During the rainy season and winter, the most annoying part of all is to get home wet or covered in snow and make your flooring wet. Some flooring such as wood will probably have some trouble if its getting wet often, especially if you use them as your bathroom flooring. So, that is why using a waterproof laminate flooring is very recommended. They can keep your flooring from getting rotten because of the wetness and also it can make your flooring look even better.   –

In Florida snow isn’t a problem, but humidity and rain or proximity to a beach can bring a lot of wetness and moisture onto your floors.

There are some laminates that claim to be “splash proof” (which is not an industry term and they do still warn you not to leave any standing water on your laminate floor).  If laminate floors become really wet, they will get ruined and buckle.  Unlike hardwood flooring, laminate floors can not be sanded or refinished.  If they get wet, they can not be repaired.
The Flooring Girl

Waterproof Laminate Flooring is Affordable

As with everything else, you get what you pay for!

You never want to get the cheapest products on the market, and usually it’s best to scrutinize the most expensive product. But waterproof laminate flooring is a wise choice. It costs much less than hardwood, although slightly more than regular laminate.

Waterproof Laminate Flooring is Durable

A major consideration when evaluating the cost of your flooring is longevity. Waterproof laminate flooring guarantees your floors will hold up and maintain the value of your home. Hardwood is the most expensive option, but even the best hardwood will suffer damage if regularly exposed to water. As mentioned by “The Flooring Girl” above, there is good news. With hardwood, it is possible to repair small areas when water damage occurs. It can be sanded down and refinished. Regular laminate is worse because when damage occurs the only option is to replace it.

It would be wise to ask one our specialists at Go Mobile Flooring about waterproof laminate flooring. They can give you the specific details and costs to help you make the perfect decision and of course, our team can install it ahead of schedule. And depending on your plans, probably under budget as well!

GMF The Speed of Installing Laminate Flooring

The Speed of Installing Laminate Flooring

What’s the hurry? Why is it important to have our floors done quickly? Well, usually the obvious answer is the right one, and in this case it’s “TIME IS MONEY.” Installing laminate flooring saves time. Companies and professional installers do have to pay their specialists and the longer it takes, the more it will cost. That does not in any way suggest corners are being cut or the work is done in a careless manner. It’s just that certain installation processes require less time and effort. Laminate rules this kingdom!

GMF The Speed of Installing Laminate Flooring

The Fast Install: Laminate

There are two obvious reasons laminate is a great choice:

Installing Laminate is EASY

There’s a lot to love about laminate floor, and high on that list is the ease of installation. For weekend DIYers looking to trim their decorating budget without sacrificing style and quality, laminate gives you the option to install a beautiful new floor in any room with confidence and success – and fewer costs.


The idea is not that it’s easy because something harder to install will be better. To the contrary – laminate is a quality product that takes advantage of modern science with precision manufacturing and foresight. It takes the trained eye of a professional to distinguish the difference between real hardwood flooring and laminate flooring! And the money you save can go into other things.

Installing Laminate is FAST

The vast majority of today’s laminate floors come with “click-lock” design systems (also sometimes referred to as a Uniclic system). This means that you simply install the laminate boards as a floating floor over a sub-floor and foam underlayment. One edge of the board will have a “groove” into which the other edge that has a “tongue” which clicks and locks into place. Some manufacturers infuse the grooved and tongued edges with dry adhesive that you simply dampen before clicking into place to add an extra level of locking. And because of this click-lock system, laminate flooring is one of the easiest floors to remove when it’s time for an update.

Home Flooring Pros

Oftentimes a handy home owner or business owner takes on laminate installation with fear and trepidation, only to realize it’s a done project ahead of schedule! That’s a nice feeling. Who doesn’t like that dictum,


Laminates come in every color, texture, pattern, and feel you can imagine. We can not possibly cover all benefits of having laminate throughout your business or home in one article. Call today and we’ll be happy to send out our mobile showroom or have one of our specialists speak with you.


Laminate Flooring History

Unlike the history of hardwood, laminate flooring history is relatively easy to trace. It is a product of modern technology thanks to the genius of the Swedes. A Swedish company called Pergo branded it under their own name in 1977. If you are old enough, you would have identified it as Pergo before calling it laminate.


Laminate Flooring History is a Short History

Originally called Pergo in 1977, it quickly became very popular throughout Europe.

The Pergo formula took a simple type of decorative laminate, which had previously only been used to make kitchen countertops and brought it to the living room floor. Needless to say, it went over in a big way.   Learning Center

Laminate flooring (Pergo) was introduced to the American market in 1994. Back then we called it “floating floors!” Ask a baby-boomer person about it, and they surely will share a story with you about how easy it was to install. Some people confuse laminate flooring with other types of wood. Remember, don’t confuse the type or style with the name of a manufacturer. Some don’t even make countertop laminates. The brilliant Swedish craftsmen pioneered the laminating process which fuses various materials and covers it with a protective coating.

Laminate Flooring is Here to Stay

Some have enough extra money that they can afford the luxury of hardwood flooring. The question for home owners or business owners alike is,

Why not spend much less for laminate flooring that most people cannot distinguish from hardwood?

Because of the widespread popularity of laminate flooring, the answer is obvious. In a mere 39 years it has come to dominate the flooring business worldwide. And even older laminate floors still compare favorably with real hardwood floors. Also we ought not overlook that more advanced technologies since 1977 have resulted in more variety of grains, tougher materials, and easier to maintain floors.

Oh, by the way, Swedish people don’t like being called Swedes. It is derived from the Proto-Indo-European reflexive pronominal root!

Buyers Guide Pet Friendly Flooring

Buyer’s Guide: Pet Friendly Flooring

Buyers Guide Pet Friendly Flooring

When you’re looking for new floors, you want to make sure they are the best choice for every member of your family – even the four-legged ones. Pet owners, in particular, have a few extra issues to keep in mind when choosing pet friendly flooring.

The best floors for your pets will be:

  • Easy to clean
  • Scratch resistant
  • Stain resistant
  • Textured for traction

We’ve pulled together some flooring options as well as descriptions of their level of pet friendliness below.

Pet Friendly Carpet Flooring

While your furry friends may love the luxurious feel of carpeting, your human guests may not enjoy the allergens that may collect or the difficulty of cleaning up the messes pets can leave behind. But, that doesn’t mean carpet is out altogether.

There are plenty of pet-friendly carpet options that will work in a low-traffic area like a bedroom. There are just a couple of things that pet owners should look out for when selecting carpeting.

First, choose a carpet without loops – a cut pile carpet. Placing looped carpets like Berber in a home with pets is a recipe for damage – to the carpet and your pets claws. Finally, make sure the cut pile carpet you select has been pre-treated for stain resistance. Clean ups will be easier, pet hair will come up better when you vacuum, and fewer odors will cling to the carpeting.

Pet Friendly Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood floors give your home a warm, welcoming feel. They are great for keeping allergens under control, but they may not always be the best choice for homes with pets. Many hardwood floors can be susceptible to stains and scratches, but there are still options for pet owners who love hardwood floors.

When it comes to pet friendly hardwood flooring, the harder the wood, the better it will be at resisting scratches. Wood floors like oak, maple, walnut and bamboo are harder and more pet friendly. Homeowners with large animals should avoid softer woods like pine or chestnut.

You can also preserve your new floors from pet-related damage with a high quality coat of urethane, to offer extra protection from scratches and stains.

Pet Friendly Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring can bring the look of hardwood into your home, with the added benefit of stain and scratch resistance. Easy to clean and durable, laminate flooring can be very pet friendly with one important caveat: traction. Many laminate floors available to homeowners are slick and smooth, which can make it difficult for your pet to maintain its footing and can lead to injury. So, if you’re looking for a pet friendly laminate flooring option, you will want to select laminate floors with a textured surface to prevent slipping.

Pet Friendly Tile Flooring

Tile floors, especially stone tiles, are a wonderful choice for homes with pets. These hard surfaces won’t be damaged by your pets’ claws, are water and stain resistant, and are exceptionally easy to clean. You have the option to use coarser stone tile floors or ceramic tile with a textured finish to aid with traction. You could even select faux wood tiles to get the look of wood, but still have the ultimate pet-friendly flooring.

With tile and any hard surfaced pet-friendly flooring options, you want to make sure you make good use of rugs and pet beds so that your furry friends have places to lay down comfortably.

If you have more questions about finding the perfect pet friendly flooring for your home schedule your schedule your free consultation today.